Crossing the Blues

Free Windows 7 Logon Kit for XP

Windows 7 Logon with User Pic Changing Kit for XP

To replace your Windows Logon:

1. Navigate to your WINDOWS/System32 directory and find the file 'logonui.exe'. Using the enclosed utility, replace the file with the new logonui.exe.
2.Restart Windows.

To change your Logon User Pic Icon:

1. Copy the enclosed 'logonui.exe' to your desktop. Using the enclosed ResHacker Utility, open the logonui.exe on your desktop. Find the section in the left-hand column called 'Bitmaps' (at or near the top of the page) and click to open the tree view. The bitmaps you want to replace are numbers 113 and 119.
2. From the top menu in Reshacker choose the 'Action' option and from the dropdown menu select 'Replace Bitmap'. From your downloaded folder, select the new image you would like to use and replace bitmaps 113 and 119. Click on 'File' on the top menu and select 'Save'. A new logonui.exe will be created on your desktop along with a backup of your old one.
3. Follow the above instructions for replacing your Windows Logon with the new logonui.dll on your desktop.
4. Restart Windows.


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