Crossing the Blues

Legend of Basara Cartoon Anime Gallery

Legend of Basara Cartoon Anime Gallery
Legend of Basara was created by Yumi Tamura as a manga which ended in 1998. The manga was a hit that an anime counterpart was produced. Unfortunately, the anime didn't stir much interest in Japan; it ended in the 13th episode, which only covered five volumes of the manga. Many people who are interested in the art of anime will be turned off by this series because the animation is not the best. However, if you are looking for a great storyline with beautiful wonderful characters then this is the series for you.

Basara is the story of the child of destiny. It takes place in the future after a massive war or wars has turned Japan into a desert. This child will be one one to deliver Japan from the tyranny of the emperor and his 4 heirs. This child begins a journey away from the village after a tragedy and begins his/her destiny, meeting new followers along the way while battleing fears and a great love.